Happy 2013!
I am currently taking orders on a limited basis...email me if you are interested in placing an order!
The items listed on the Products page are now the only items available: FRAMES {various sizes},
VERSE BOARDS {of all kinds}, CANVASES & WREATHS. Blocks and Blessing Rings are no longer available.

donor angel frame...

can i just say that my clients are such a blessing to me?! many of you have amazing stories and testimonies and i am so honored to be a part of your story in some small way. this frame is for a little boy named keegan, who had a heart transplant when he was only days old. you can read keegan's story here: http://keeganh.blogspot.com. his mommy ordered this for his room to use for a photo of his donor angel...is that not the most precious way to commemorate such a miraculous gift?