my latest project...

so sorry for my recent blog absence, but i think i have a pretty good excuse! introducing emma kate...arrived at 1:07 a.m on 10.3! i was scheduled for a repeat c-section on 10.12, but baby girl had other plans;) i predicted she would arrive early, but not THAT early (my actual due date wasn't until 10.18). i had a feeling arriving as planned wouldn't be enough of an "entrance" for this little drama queen, and boy was i right...we were caught totally off guard! we are so blessed to welcome this little angel to our family, and can you tell that her big brother absolutely LOVES her?!! he is so sweet with her...we'll enjoy it while it lasts!

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3

if you have emailed me, i have gotten your email and am planning to work on returning all emails over the next few days...thanks so much for your patience!


  1. she's a beauty!! thanks for sharing her with us- we just came home from the hospital today with our new baby girl!! loving to put all our blessings on her new blessing ring!

  2. Congratulations on your beautiful new bundle of joy!

  3. Congrats Elaine! She's beautiful. I am still waiting on Baby Ferg to arrive...can't wait! Hope you are all doing great. Now where am I going to get my Christmas and weddng gifts this year? ;)

  4. ELAINE!!! she is gorgeous :) Congratulations!!!!

  5. Elaine,
    Congrats girl! She is sooo beautiful. I know you are a proud mama. Hope everything is going well. Emma Kate is a doll!

  6. Congrats!! She is just adorable - I hope you are enjoying your sweet girl!!

    I will have to take a picture of my blessing ring - I love it!

    Hope everything is going great!
